Samsung’s new Galaxy Book Flex and Ion laptops bring better designs to the lineup
More premium designs for Samsung’s premium laptops
Samsung has a pair of new laptops — the Galaxy Book Flex and Galaxy Book Ion — that will replace the company’s old Samsung Notebook 9 Pen and Notebook 9 models, respectively. Samsung is making some big changes on these laptops, both inside and out. There are the expected boosts in specs, of course, as well as very welcome redesigns that bring the two models more in line with the modern design language that Samsung introduced earlier this year with the Notebook 9 Pro.
The new Galaxy Books are Samsung’s first laptops to use QLED displays, which is the same display tech that the company uses on its line of high-end flat-screen TVs. Samsung says they should be brighter (with a maximum of 600 nitts using a special “Outdoor Mode” and up to 400 nitts regularly) and more color accurate than before.
Both laptops also feature Intel’s latest 10th Gen chips: the convertible Galaxy Book Flex has 10nm Ice Lake processors, while the Galaxy Book Ion will have the 14nm Comet Lake chipsets based on the older architecture. Both laptops (in their 13- and 15-inch sizes) are certified as part of Intel’s Project Athena program, meaning you should get up to nine hours of real-world battery life.
The third big change is the inclusion of a new Wireless PowerShare touchpad that doubles as a full-fledged Qi wireless charger for any of your wirelessly charging gadgets. It’s an admittedly odd feature: you have to first enable the wireless charging mode with a keyboard combination, so it’s not as simple as just dropping your phone on top of the pad. And when you’re charging a device, you can’t use the touchpad at all, which limits the functionality of your laptop (unless you have an external mouse handy). Given that the rest of the laptops are made out of metal, the glass trackpad was the only place to put it. Plus, if you do desperately need to charge your Galaxy Watch Active 2 or AirPods, you’ll have the option.
Lastly, there are some changes to the S Pen that is included with the Galaxy Book Flex. It now has similar Air Action gestures to the Galaxy Note 10, allowing you to control your laptop with motion gestures using the stylus.
As for the actual designs, they’re big improvements on the old models. Like the Notebook 9 Pro, they’re all-metal designs, but Samsung’s ancient design style has finally been given the axe. Compare the new Galaxy Book Flex against the Notebook 9 Pen from last year, and it’s no contest. The bubbly-looking curved and corners are replaced with the sharper edges that it introduced earlier this year. There’s also far smaller screen bezels, which helps reduce the overall size of the laptop.
Better yet, Samsung has actually improved on its first attempt with these models. Where the Notebook 9 Pro looked like a MacBook Pro rip-off, the new Galaxy Book Flex, with its striking blue hues, finally looks like its own unique product.
Similarly, the non-touchscreen Galaxy Book Ion looks to stand out with a cleverly raised design that sees the back of the display prop up the keyboard slightly when opened. There’s also a nice blue accent strip on the back that helps it stand out from the crowd.
As for the rest of the specs: both laptops will come in 13-inch and 15-inch sizes, with up to 16GB of RAM and 1TB NVMe SSDs. (Although, as noted before, the folding Flex laptops will have Intel’s newer 10nm processors.) The 15-inch models will also have optional Nvidia MX250 external GPUs, although Samsung has yet to announce exact configurations for any of the laptops just yet.
There’s no word on pricing, although Samsung says that prices should be within the same ballpark as the Notebook 9 Pen and Notebook 9 clamshell laptops that the new models will replace.
More curious is the release date, or lack thereof: Samsung only gave an “early 2020” window, which is puzzlingly far away from today’s announcement. Samsung also missed another Galaxy Book release date recently: the company’s ARM-powered Galaxy Book S was originally supposed to ship in September, and we still have no release date almost two months later.
Source: The Verge
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- Published in Samsung, weTechnology
AQTA: Məktəb və uşaq bağçalarının yaxınlığında enerji içkilərinin satışına icazə verilməyəcək [AZ]
Oktyabrın 18-i Azərbaycan Qida Təhlükəsizliyi Agentliyində (AQTA) agentliyin sədr müavinləri Rüfət Rüstəmzadə və Balarəhim Quliyevin iştirakı ilə enerji içkilərinin istehsalı və idxalı ilə məşğul olan sahibkarlarla geniş müşavirə keçirilib.
Verilən məlumata görə, 2020-ci ilin yanvarın 1-dən ölkəmizdə qüvvəyə minəcək “Enerji içkilərinə dair müvəqqəti sanitariya normaları və qaydaları”nın icrasına həsr olunan müşavirədə həmin sənədin AQTA tərəfindən hazırlanaraq Ədliyyə Nazirliyinə təqdim olunduğu, Hüquqi Aktların Dövlət Reyestrində qeydiyyatdan keçdiyi diqqətə çatdırılıb.
Sənədin hazırlanmasında beynəlxalq təşkilatların və dünyanın qabaqcıl ölkələrinin təcrübəsindən, eləcə də Avropa Birliyinin elmi tədqiqatlarından istifadə olunduğu bildirilib.
Qeyd olunub ki, sözügedən qaydalara əsasən ölkə ərazisində enerji içkilərinin istehsalı və idxalı ilə məşğul olan sahibkarlıq subyektləri sənəddə əksini tapan norma və qaydalara uyğun olaraq öz fəaliyyətlərini 2020-ci ilin 1 yanvar tarixindən etibarən təşkil etməlidirlər.
Görüşdə enerji içkilərinin saxlanma və daşınması ilə bağlı qaydalarda şərtlərin müəyyən edildiyini bildirən agentlik sədrinin müşaviri Elxan Mikayılov bu şərtlərə əsasən növbəti ilin yanvar ayının 1-dən etibarən enerji içkilərinin soyuq zəncirə daxil ediləcək və 0°C – 18°C temperaturda daşınmasına və saxlanmasına nəzarət ediləcəyi barədə məlumat verib.
Bununla yanaşı bildirilib ki, 18 yaşdan aşağı şəxslərə enerji içkilərinin satışı sözügedən sənədlə qadağan olunur. Bu məqsədlə məktəb və uşaq bağçalarının yaxınlığında bu tipli içkilərin satışına icazə verilməyəcək.
Tədbirdə Azərbaycan Qida Təhlükəsizliyi İnstitutunun (AQTİ) əməkdaşı çıxış edərək sözügedən qaydaların hazırlanması məqsədilə yaradılmış elmi komitə və oraya üzv olan müvafiq qurumlar və aparılan araşdırmalar barədə geniş məlumat verib.
Bununla yanaşı sahibkarlıq subyektlərinə müraciət olunaraq, Agentliyin ölkədə qida təhlükəsizliyi ilə bağlı həyata keçirdiyi tədqiqatlarda, elmi araşdırmalarda və müzakirələrdə yaxından iştirak etməyə və AQTİ ilə sıx əməkdaşlığa dəvət olunub.
Görüşdə “Bizon”, “Jaguar”, “Go”, “Strong”, “Burn”, “Monster”, “Hazzard”, “Full”, “Atom”, “Jara”, “Berg Skyline”, “Berg Extreme”, “RedBull”, “Hell”, “King Legend”, “Bomba”, “Hell”, “28 Black”, “Carabao original”, “Boost”, “Dragon”, “İnfinity”, “Carabao” və “Monster” əmtəə nişanlı enerji içkilərinin idxalı və istehsalı ilə məşğul olan 30-a yaxın sahibkarlıq subyekti iştirak edib.
Qeyd edək ki, yeni norma və qaydalar Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qida Təhlüksəziliyi Agentliyinin rəsmi internet saytında ( da yerləşdirilib.
Tədbirdə tətbiq olunacaq yeni sanitariya normaları və qaydalarının əsas məqsədinin bu məhsulların insan həyatı və sağlamlığı üçün təhlükəsizliyinin və istehlakçıların hüquqlarının müdafiəsinin təmin olunması ilə bağlı olduğu diqqətə çatdırılıb.
Mənbə: APA
Saytın məlumatlarından istifadə edərkən link ilə istinad mütləq vacibdir
- Published in News of Azerbaijan, weNews
Tarixdə ilk dəfə iki qadın kosmonavt açıq fəzaya çıxıb [AZ]
Tarixdə ilk dəfə iki qadın – ABŞ kosmonavtları Kristina Kuk və Cessika Meir cümə günü Beynəlxalq Kosmik Stansiyadan (BKS) açıq fəzaya çıxıb.
Xəbər verilir ki, bu barədə NASA-nın yaydığı məlumatda bildirilib.
Qadın kosmonavtlar stansiyanın istismarını başa vurmuş detallarını – günəş batareyalarını dəyişəcəklər. Əməliyyatın ən azı 6 saat yarım davam edəcəyi gözlənilir.
Qeyd edək ki, sözügedən batareyaların istismar müddəti 10 ildir.
Xatırladaq ki, kosmosda yerləşdirilmiş BKS-da NASA-nın müxtəlif millətlərdən olan kosmonavtları növbəli şəkildə tədqiqatlar aparır.
Mənbə: interfax & Global News
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- Published in weUniverse
Xərçəng bu orqanda yarana bilmir. Niyə? – ARAŞDIRMA
Xərçəngə səbəb olan şişlər, normal olmayan hüceyrələrin nəzarətsiz şəkildə bölünərək çoxalması ilə yaranır.
İnsan bədəninin bütün orqanlarında baş verən bu hüceyrə bölünməsi, yalnız ürəkdə meydana gəlməz.
Dünyada çox amma çox az rast gəlinən ürək xərçənginə səbəb olan hüceyrə bölünməsi, sadəcə doğuşdan gələn ürək anormallıqlarından irəli gəlir.
Nadir hallarda olsa da, ana bətnində inkişaf etməkdə olan hüceyrələr, şiş əmələ gəlməsinə səbəb ola bilər. (
Ürəyimizin böyük hissəsini əzələ hüceyrələri tutur. Bu hüceyrələr bədən böyüklüyünə görə genişlənir, ancaq bölünmür.
Ürək hüceyrələrinin bölünməməsi, ürək xərçəngi olma riskini aradan qaldırsa da, digər bir nöqsana səbəbiyyət verir.
Hüceyrələrin bölünməməyinin nəticəsində, bir infarkt ardından toxumaların bərpa olunmamasına səbəb olur.
Mümkündür ki, bu məqam, xərçəngin müalicəsi üçün böyük önəm kəsb etsin
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- Published in Folk Medicine, weHealth
How to Optimize SSD for Faster Performance (Windows Tweaks)
Capacities of Solid State Drives are steadily rising, while prices continue to fall. It’s now common to find mid-range notebooks and desktop PCs with a decently sized SSD. All these new Solid State Drives replacing traditional platter based HDDs for everyday use will need to be optimized, and most users are probably not aware of the differences in setup procedures and regular maintenance for SSDs vs HDDs.
Disclaimer: This guide deals with making changes to the Windows Registry and other advanced system settings. will not be responsible should you make any mistakes that cause damage to your Windows installation. Proceed with caution and at your own risk.
1. IDE vs AHCI Mode
Before installing Windows on a new SSD, you should first enter your motherboard’s BIOS and enable AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface) mode instead of IDE in the SATA controller’s configuration area if given the option (this would also be a good time to update the BIOS firmware before installing Windows). Older systems may not have this option, but most newer motherboards will support AHCI. If your BIOS is already setup for AHCI don’t touch a thing. IDE is typically the default option used when installing a normal HDD, so if making the switch this will need to be changed. Once AHCI is selected it will enable hot swapping and native command queuing, which should give you a nice performance boost of 10-15 percent over IDE mode. AHCI is supported in Vista and all Windows operating systems released after it.
Reminder: This step must be completed before installing the OS. The PC will fail to boot if you install in IDE mode and later try to change it to AHCI, forcing you to format and reinstall windows in the correct mode.
It is possible to enable AHCI mode on a current Windows 7 install in IDE mode if you don’t wish to do a fresh install. This will require making some changes via Regedit then entering your BIOS after rebooting and switching to ACHI mode. Here’s how to do it:
- Open the Run menu by hitting the Windows key + R.
- Type in Regedit and hit enter to enter the registry navigator.
- First, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\services\iaStorV and modify the REG_DWORD Start from 3 to 0 by right-clicking it and hitting modify.
- Now navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\services\msahci and follow the same procedure of modifying the Start value to 0.
- After those two changes are made to Regedit you must reboot your PC, enter the BIOS, and switch from IDE to AHCI mode. Now you’re done!
2. Confirm TRIM is Running
The purpose of TRIM is to allow the Operating System to communicate to the SSD that a block of data is no longer needed or being used by the file system (garbage collection). If TRIM is not functioning you may notice a drop in performance. TRIM is supported in Windows 7 and 8, but not Vista. Follow these steps to verify that TRIM is installed and working properly:
- Search for cmd in Windows search.
- Once the Cmd program is displayed in the search right click it and select Run as Administrator.
- Now type in this line without quotes and hit Enter: “fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify”
If TRIM is running it will return DisableDeleteNotify=0, or DisableDeleteNotify=1 if TRIM is not functioning.
3. Avoid and Disable Disk Defragmenter
Disk Defragment should never be run on a SSD. Fortunately, the default setting for Windows 7 and 8 (but not Vista) for a SSD is to disable the disk defragmentation scheduling utility because it is simply not needed for a Solid State Drive. All running the disk defragmenter on a SSD will accomplish is adding additonal wear and tear by increasing number of writes, thus decreasing the expected lifespan of your SSD.
If you are running Vista and need to disable the disk defragmentation utility or just want to verify it isn’t running in Windows 7 or 8, follow these steps:
- Type dfrgui into Windows Search and open Disk Defragmenter.
- Select your SSD from the list of devices and hit Configure Schedule.
- Uncheck Run on a schedule if checked to disable disk defragmenter from running automatically.
- Type cmd into Windows Search. Right-click on command prompt and select Run as Administrator.
- Now type in powercfg -h off and hit Enter to disable hibernation.
4. Disable Indexing Service/Windows Search
The indexing service in Windows is implemented to make the search function perform faster by storing an index of file locations. The service was designed to improve search performance when using a mechanical HDD, but the quick response times of SSDs make this service obsolete and unnecessary. Indexing is also another service that makes multiple small writes to a storage drive any time a file is created, changed, or removed. It’s wise to disable this service if you wish to avoid unnecessary wear to the SSD.
- Click Start and open Computer.
- Find the SSD you would like to disable indexing service on, right-click it and choose Properties.
- Uncheck the box next to Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties.
5. Enable Write Caching for SSDs
Write caching can improve performance of both SSDs and HDDs. It’s usually enabled by default, but if not here’s how to turn it on:
- Right-click Computer and select Properties.
- Click Device manager on the left then expand Disk drives.
- Find your SSD, right-click it, hit Properties and go to the Policies tab.
- Make sure Enable write caching on the device is checked and hit Ok.
Write-cache Buffer Flushing
Double check to make sure the box next to “Turn off Windows write-cache buffer flushing on the device” is not checked. Having this option selected will put your filesystem and any important data stored on the drive at risk in the event of any external interruptions such as power failures. With that said, if you are not concerned about data integrity and only want the fastest SSD performance possible, enabling this option may provide the speed boost you crave. I say may because this seems to vary from drive to drive and system to system (Intel recommends to not disabling write-cache buffer flushing on their drives). Benchmark your SSD with it enabled and disabled to determine if it provides any benefit.
6. Update Drivers and Firmware for Your SSD
The software that comes bundled with most PC hardware (SSDs included) is usually outdated, so get into the habit of checking the manufacturers website to download the newest drivers and firmware updates. This applies to every component in the PC, especially your motherboards chipset drivers as they can have a huge impact on SSD speed and reliability.
7. Optimize or Disable Page File for SSDs
Yet another feature that makes numerous writes to a SSD that could potentially lessen lifespan. There is a lot of debate about whether page file should be used or not. My personal recommendation is to keep it enabled as a page file is required for the system to create memory and kernel dumps. Another solution is to move your page file to a seperate drive if you have one available.
To move page file onto a secondary drive:
- Right-click Computer and select Properties.
- Click Advanced system settings in the left pane.
- Select the Advanced tab and under the Performance section, click Settings…
- Choose the Advanced tab and click the Change… button under Virtual Memory.
- Uncheck the box next to Automatically Manage paging file size for all drives.
- Select the second drive where the page file will be stored, choose either a fixed Custom size or System managed size, click Set then Ok.
To disable the page file completely just follow the above 1-5 steps, select No paging file, click Set then Ok.
8. Turn Off System Restore
This is a tweak I assume many SSD users will choose not follow, but you should. When irreversible problems occur System Restore can be a nice fallback, but if you have no important data that needs to be protected on your C: drive (you should be backing up externally anyway) I suggest you disable System Restore. Once System Restore has been turned off it will free up a few GB’s of space, reduce writes to your SSD, and allow you to avoid conflicts with TRIM that can lead to severe drops in SSD performance.
To turn of System Restore you must:
- Right-click on Computer and choose Properties.
- Navigate to System Protection in the left pane.
- Press the Configure button.
- Select the bubble next to Turn off system protection and click OK.
9. Use High Performance Power Settings
The power saving options in Windows can be useful for a notebook PC when you need that extra hour of battery life. In a desktop environment the high performance power plan should be used so none of your components are downclocked to lower speeds in a effort to lower power consumption. You can also enable garbage collection to run on your SSD when idle in the advanced power management settings by telling your drive to never turn itself off and and disabling Sleep.
- Go to Control Panel and click Power Options.
- Select the High performance plan. If high performance isn’t viewable, click Show additional plans to expand the entire list.
- Click Change plan settings next to the High performance plan.
- Now click Change advanced power settings
- Navigate to the Hard disk option and change Turn off hard disk after to Never (0 minutes).
- Navigate to the Sleep option and change Sleep after to Never (0 minutes) and click OK.
Disable Hibernation
This one will be a personal preference. If you actually need hibernation to function for the power saving or other reasons obviously just leave it be, but disabling it will free up a good chunk of precious storage capacity on your SSD, as hibernation uses approximately the same amount of space as the amount of RAM installed in the PC. If you have 16GB of RAM that is no small amount of space on most SSDs.
To disable Hibernate:
- Search for cmd and right-click the command prompt icon to select Run as administrator.
- Type powercfg -h off and press Enter.
You may not choose to try all of these suggested SSD tweaks and optimizations, but it’s important for you to, at the very least, install Windows onto your SSD in AHCI mode, verify TRIM is working properly, and disable scheduling of disk defragmentation. These steps will insure your SSD runs more efficiently with better performance and hopefully continues operating into the future with a longer lifespan.
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- Published in PC & Notebook, weTechnology