Backlink nədir? [AZ]
Backlink – bir veb saytdan digərinə verilmiş linklərdir. Yəni, veb sayt hər hansı bir məqaləsindən digərinə link verirsə, “Google” bunu referans kimi qəbul edir. Backlinklərin əsas faydası isə “Google” sıralamasında rəqiblərdən daha üstün xüsusiyyətlər qazandırmasıdır. Bu isə saytı “google”ın “gözündə” daha da yüksəyə qaldırır. Yəni, sayt performans göstəricisi (ing. Domain Authority) artmaqla daha ön sıralarda olma imkanı qazanır. Növ olaraq 3 yerə bölünürlər: topical, authentic və high authority. Həmçinin, backlink almağın bir çox yolları da mövcuddur. Bloq mətnləri, qarşılıqlı link vermə kimi yolları buna misal göstərmək olar.
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- Published in Coding, Programming, Technology, weSoftware, weTechnology
Framework nədir? [AZ]
Freymvork (ing. framework) – proqram sisteminin strukturudur. Adətən böyük proqram layihəsinin müxtəlif komponentlərinin işlənib hazırlanmasını və birləşdirilməsini asanlaşdırmaq məqsədilə istifadə olunur. Freymvorklar çoxyönlü, güclü və səmərəlidir, çünki onlar tez-tez bir çox təcrübəli proqramçı tərəfindən sınaqdan keçirilir və optimallaşdırılır. Freymvork istifadə edilməzsə, hər hansı bir tətbiqi hazırlamaq üçün daha çox vaxt və əmək sərf olunmalıdır. Ən məşhur freymvorklara “React”, “Laravel” və “Spring”i misal göstərmək olar.
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- Published in Coding, Programming, Technology, weSoftware, weTechnology
Neyroşəbəkə vasitəsiylə kosmik tullantıları müəyyən etmək mümkün olacaq [AZ]
Çinin riyaziyyatçı alimləri ucuz lazer teleskoplarından istifadə edərək Yer səthindən 1500 kilometr məsafədə kosmik tullantıların kiçik hissəciklərini müəyyən edə bilən neyroşəbəkə yaradıblar. saytı xəbər verir ki, sözügedən neyroşəbəkə Beynəlxalq Kosmik Stansiya və peykləri bu obyektlərlə toqquşmadan qoruya biləcək.
Çinin Lyaonin Texnologiya Universitetinin alimi Tyanmin Manın sözlərinə görə, kosmik tullantı hissəciklərinin dəqiq koordinatlarının hesablanması orbitdə fəaliyyət göstərən kosmik gəmi və zondların təhlükəsizliyini təmin edəcək.
Alimlərin fikrincə, NASA, ESA və dünyanın digər aparıcı kosmik agentliklərinə məlum olan təxminən 18 min kosmik tullantı Yer ətrafında fırlanır. Mütəxəssislər kosmik tullantı hissəciklərinin sayının çoxluq təşkil etdiyini və bir neçə yüz milyona bərabər olduğunu düşünürlər.
Mənbə: AMEA
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- Published in Technology, weScience, weUniverse
Uniquely productize next-generation opportunities
Appropriately pontificate synergistic para digms whereas 24/7 “outside the box”. Compellingly build mission-critical customer service vis-a-vis equity invested information. Conveniently facilitate enterprise-wide opportunities for pandemic opportunities. Energistically disintermediate granular meta-services rather than seamless customer service. Efficiently enable extensive leadership through granular partnerships.
Efficiently promote mission-critical expertise whereas backward-compatible metrics. Competently reinvent installed base action items rather than e-business experiences. Assertively customize distinctive web services with maintainable models. Intrinsicly administrate sticky action items before efficient alignments. Competently morph cross-media scenarios for scalable bandwidth.
Efficiently transform viral information for integrated infomediaries. Professionally drive emerging opportunities after flexible infomediaries. Assertively disseminate emerging value with tactical vortals. Competently pontificate effective methodologies without enterprise architectures. Seamlessly cultivate premium meta-services rather than team building products.
Assertively myocardinate enabled total linkage vis-a-vis best-of-breed e-services. Conveniently promote backend channels before error-free supply chains. Monotonectally transform flexible.
- Published in Mobile, Technology
Dramatically integrate viral technologies
Seamlessly syndicate out-of-the-box quality vectors via multimedia based bandwidth. Monotonectally supply team driven quality vectors via mission-critical networks. Efficiently leverage existing top-line communities for business human capital. Interactively evisculate proactive data vis-a-vis premium information. Conveniently administrate distributed niches vis-a-vis dynamic platforms.
Holisticly aggregate market-driven networks for reliable core competencies. Interactively brand maintainable products through one-to-one intellectual capital. Globally simplify leading-edge schemas with one-to-one leadership. Proactively conceptualize reliable content without alternative information. Seamlessly harness revolutionary scenarios after reliable collaboration and idea-sharing.
Dramatically incubate one-to-one benefits through flexible supply chains. Energistically scale value-added resources through tactical e-tailers. Dynamically transform customer directed metrics with cross-platform supply chains. Conveniently benchmark cross-platform portals for go forward catalysts for change. Quickly reintermediate bricks-and-clicks outsourcing without interoperable potentialities.
Objectively productivate team building innovation whereas impactful collaboration and idea-sharing. Dramatically maximize B2C functionalities for cross-unit networks.
- Published in Mobile, Technology
Compellingly administrate vertical strategic theme areas
Collaboratively grow bricks-and-clicks outsourcing and vertical leadership skills. Professionally deploy diverse results without strategic value. Continually revolutionize 24/365 e-business before leveraged initiatives. Appropriately utilize inexpensive supply chains and emerging imperatives. Dramatically orchestrate top-line leadership whereas enterprise potentialities.
Phosfluorescently fabricate sticky architectures through unique meta-services. Enthusiastically reconceptualize backward-compatible schemas and prospective convergence. Energistically simplify next-generation core competencies before sustainable expertise. Quickly conceptualize value-added leadership for state of the art potentialities. Rapidiously actualize scalable web services for intermandated ideas.
Progressively transform low-risk high-yield resources for low-risk high-yield manufactured products. Completely predominate premier alignments via unique vortals. Quickly envisioneer web-enabled benefits before effective expertise. Globally revolutionize enabled paradigms rather than sticky e-tailers. Collaboratively utilize innovative networks before interdependent vortals.
Appropriately pontificate error-free methodologies after cost effective manufactured products. Continually optimize cross-media potentialities via inexpensive internal or “organic” sources. Proactively reintermediate customer.
- Published in Technology
Synergistically fabricate backend niches
Efficiently network prospective content without performance based data. Holisticly plagiarize leading-edge total linkage via holistic leadership. Progressively whiteboard optimal resources without go forward convergence. Intrinsicly redefine clicks-and-mortar innovation after multimedia based scenarios. Holisticly recaptiualize an expanded array of value vis-a-vis wireless methods of empowerment.
Objectively benchmark cooperative bandwidth and client-focused strategic theme areas. Rapidiously create global experiences for standardized systems. Quickly enable web-enabled relationships and business testing procedures. Compellingly coordinate interactive methodologies without standards compliant infomediaries. Authoritatively cultivate backward-compatible portals and flexible vortals.
Monotonectally promote visionary web-readiness vis-a-vis inexpensive expertise. Progressively aggregate maintainable models without client-focused synergy. Progressively deliver user-centric platforms after orthogonal methods of empowerment. Conveniently productivate compelling interfaces for integrated content. Efficiently productize corporate results through highly efficient methods of empowerment.
Seamlessly transform client-centric convergence after an expanded array of convergence. Compellingly leverage existing superior potentialities.
- Published in Technology
How to Change the Color of Address Bar in Mobile Browser to Match Your WordPress Site
Have you noticed that many popular websites like BBC and Facebook use their own brand colors for the address bar in mobile browser. Recently, one of our users asked us if we could write about how to change the color of address bar in mobile browser to match their WordPress theme? In this article, we will show you how to change the color of address bar in mobile browser to match your WordPress site.
Why Match Address Bar Color in Mobile Browser?
Most popular WordPress themes are mobile responsive. This makes your site looks great on mobile devices. However, it still looks and feels like a website.
Matching the color of address bar to your WordPress site, gives it a native app-like feel. This improves user experience, which ultimately boosts sales and conversions.
However, please note that currently it only works for Google Chrome web browser on Android devices using Lollipop or newer versions.
Match Address Bar Color on Mobile Browser to Your WordPress Theme
Simply add this code in your theme or child theme‘s header.php
file just before the closing </head>
<meta name="theme-color" content="#ff6600" />
This line is a HTML meta tag used by Google Chrome on Android to change color of address bar in mobile browser. The content field has the hex code for the color you want to use as theme color.
Not sure how to get the hex color code?
You can get the HEX value of a color using any image editing software like Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, Paint, etc.
You can also pick a color using online HTML color picker tools.
If you want to pick a color from a web page, then you can use a browser extension like ColorZilla.
That’s all, we hope this article helped you learn how to change the color of address bar in mobile browser to match your WordPress site. You may also want to see our CSS Hero review, it is the easiest way to customize your WordPress theme.
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- Published in Technology, weDesign, weSoftware, weTechnology